Update: There is now an expanded and updated description of the Prowlar software available in a blog post here.
We have a new piece of software in development called Prowlar (‘Prodata reports of Weatherlink archive records’).

It’s not ready for official release yet, but has reached the point of development where we’re happy to talk about it.
Prowlar is a web-based reporting tool for data uploaded to the Davis weatherlink.com platform (so if you’re not using weatherlink.com then, sorry, but this isn’t relevant to you). Those who are uploading data to weatherlink.com will be using one of three methods:
- A WeatherlinkIP logger;
- Using a Weatherlink v6 subscription;
- Running a Connect remote gateway;
If you’re using any of these routes then Prowlar may be of interest.
In a nutshell, Prowlar is intended to provide much more flexible reporting of monthly and annual summary of data than is possible with the standard weatherlink.com platform or Weatherlink for Windows software. Key features are as follows:
- Fully cloud-based and accessible everywhere via any standard web browser;
- Maintains a complete database of your weatherlink.com data from inception;
- Allows you to design your own fully-customisable NOAA-style monthly & annual reports, including only those parameters you choose (from all VP2 sensors, including those on supplementary transmitters), in your preferred order and with appropriate summary fields;
- Allows download in PDF and CSV format (click image above for a sample PDF download);
- Allows multiple weatherlink.com stations to be accessed from a single account;
- Charting module in development;
- Alerts for sensors that may have gone offline is in development;
- A number of further features;
If Prowlar sounds like it might be of interest to you then feel free to get in touch and we can provide further details. Prowlar is currently in beta test and is not yet commercially available. But for anyone with a particular interest then we may be able to give you access to the beta-test platform.